These simplifications aside, there are some cool things that I present in this demonstration, all of which form a good foundation for you to use as a starting point for your own language. For example, there are complex expressions, supporting multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and modulo. There are also several things you'd expect in a small language, such as if-else statements, loops, variable references, and functions.
Here's an example script that the language can process:
// an example of a function that returns a value func subtractNumbers( x, y, z ) return x - y - z endfunc // an example of a function that doesn't return anything func doSomething() println 100 endfunc // main program routine main: var a = 10 var b = 20 if (a > b) then loop 3 times var d = subtractNumbers( x = 10, y = 5, z = 3 ) println d endloop else if (b > 0) then loop 2 times println b endloop endif endif println 4 doSomething() println 1 println 2
The architecture consists of the following components:
- A parser written with the Scala parsing library
- The output of the parser is an AST which describes the structure of the input script
- An interpreter that walks the resulting AST and processes the nodes accordingly
package net.travisdazell.parsers import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers import net.travisdazell.parsers.model._ // small interpreted language with the following features: // - variable definitions and references // - if-else statements // - loops // - error handling // - scoping // - functions with named arguments class SmallLanguageParser extends StandardTokenParsers { lexical.reserved += ("var", "println", "loop", "times", "endloop", "if", "then", "else", "endif", "func", "return", "endfunc", "main") lexical.delimiters += ("*", "/", "%", "+", "-", "(", ")", "=", "<", ">", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", ",", ":") def program: Parser[Program] = (rep(function) <~ ("main" ~ ":")) ~ codeblock ^^ { case f ~ c => new Program(f, c) } def function: Parser[Function] = ("func" ~> ident) ~ ("(" ~> arguments) ~ (")" ~> codeblock) ~ opt(returnStatement) <~ "endfunc" ^^ { case a ~ b ~ c ~ None => new Function(a, b, c, Number(0)) case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => new Function(a, b, c, d.get) } def returnStatement: Parser[Expr] = "return" ~> expr ^^ { e => e } def arguments: Parser[Map[String, Int]] = repsep(ident, ",") ^^ { argumentList => { (for (a <- argumentList) yield (a -> 0)) toMap } } def codeblock: Parser[List[Statement]] = rep(statement) ^^ { a => a } def statement: Parser[Statement] = positioned(variableAssignment | outStatement | loopStatement | ifStatement | functionCall | outStatement) ^^ { a => a } def variableAssignment: Parser[VariableDefinition] = "var" ~> ident ~ "=" ~ positioned(functionCall | expr) ^^ { case a ~ "=" ~ b => { new VariableDefinition(a, b) } } def outStatement: Parser[PrintStatement] = "println" ~> positioned(expr) ^^ { case a => new PrintStatement(a) } def loopStatement: Parser[LoopStatement] = ("loop" ~> iterations <~ "times") ~ codeblock <~ "endloop" ^^ { case i ~ s => { new LoopStatement(i, s) } } def ifStatement: Parser[IfStatement] = conditional ~ codeblock ~ opt("else" ~> codeblock) <~ "endif" ^^ { case a ~ b ~ c => { c match { case None => new IfStatement(a, b, List()) case _ => new IfStatement(a, b, c.get) } } } def conditional: Parser[Condition] = "if" ~ "(" ~> condition <~ ")" ~ "then" def condition: Parser[Condition] = positioned(expr) ~ ("<" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=") ~ positioned(expr) ^^ { case a ~ b ~ c => { new Condition(b, a, c) } } def iterations: Parser[Int] = numericLit ^^ { _ toInt } def functionCall: Parser[FunctionCall] = ((ident) <~ "(") ~ functionCallArguments <~ ")" ^^ { case a ~ l => new FunctionCall(a, l) } def functionCallArguments: Parser[Map[String, Expr]] = repsep(functionArgument, ",") ^^ { _ toMap } def functionArgument: Parser[(String, Expr)] = (ident <~ "=") ~ expr ^^ { case a ~ b => (a, b) } def expr: Parser[Expr] = term ~ rep(("+" | "-") ~ term) ^^ { case a ~ List() => a case a ~ b => { def appendExpression(c: Operator, p: Operator): Operator = { p.left = c p } var root: Operator = new Operator(b.head._1, a, b.head._2) for (f <- b.tail) { var parent = f._1 match { case "+" => new Operator("+", null, f._2) case "-" => Operator("-", null, f._2) } root = appendExpression(root, parent) } root } } def term: Parser[Expr] = multiplydividemodulo ^^ { l => l } | factor ^^ { a => a } // note that "rep" returns a List def multiplydividemodulo: Parser[Expr] = factor ~ rep(("*" | "/" | "%") ~ factor) ^^ { case a ~ List() => a case a ~ b => { def appendExpression(e: Operator, t: Operator): Operator = { t.left = e.right e.right = t t } var root: Operator = new Operator(b.head._1, a, b.head._2) var current = root // for each of these, i'm just building up the parse tree for (f <- b.tail) { var rightOperator = f._1 match { case "*" => Operator("*", null, f._2) case "/" => Operator("/", null, f._2) case "%" => Operator("%", null, f._2) } current = appendExpression(current, rightOperator) } root } } def factor: Parser[Expr] = numericLit ^^ { a => Number(a.toInt) } | "(" ~> expr <~ ")" ^^ { e => e } | ident ^^ { new Identifier(_) } def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] = { phrase(p)(new lexical.Scanner(in)) } }
Next, let's take a look at the interpreter:
package net.travisdazell.parsers.runtime import net.travisdazell.parsers.model._ class Interpreter(program: Program) { var currentScope = new Scope("global", null) def run() { walk(program.statements) } private def getVariable(ident: Identifier): Expr = { var s: Scope = currentScope while ((!"global")) && !s.variables.contains( { s = s.parentScope } if (s.variables.contains( s.variables( else { sys.error("Error: Undefined variable " + + " at position [" + ident.pos.column + "] on line: " + ident.pos.line) } } private def calculateExpr(e: Expr): Int = { e match { case Number(value) => value case Identifier(name) => { calculateExpr(getVariable(e.asInstanceOf[Identifier])) } case Operator(op, left, right) => { op match { case "*" => calculateExpr(left) * calculateExpr(right) case "/" => calculateExpr(left) / calculateExpr(right) case "%" => calculateExpr(left) % calculateExpr(right) case "+" => calculateExpr(left) + calculateExpr(right) case "-" => calculateExpr(left) - calculateExpr(right) } } } } private def isConditionTrue(condition: Condition): Boolean = { val a = calculateExpr(condition.left) val b = calculateExpr(condition.right) condition.op match { case "==" => (a == b) case "!=" => (a != b) case "<=" => (a <= b) case "<" => (a < b) case ">=" => (a >= b) case ">" => (a > b) } } private def executeFunction(f: Function, arguments: Map[String, Expr]) { currentScope = new Scope(, currentScope) for (v <- arguments) currentScope.variables(v._1) = v._2 walk(f.statements) currentScope = currentScope.parentScope } private def walk(tree: List[Statement]) { if (!tree.isEmpty) { tree.head match { case FunctionCall(name, values) => { val f = program.functions.filter(x => == name) if (f.size < 1) sys.error("Error: Undefined function '" + name + "' being called at position [" + tree.head.pos.column + "] on line: " + tree.head.pos.line) else { executeFunction(f(0), values) walk(tree.tail) } } case VariableDefinition(name, value) => { // push this variable into scope if (value.isInstanceOf[FunctionCall]) { val functionCall = value.asInstanceOf[FunctionCall] val function = program.functions.filter(x => == // check if proc is defined and if not throw an error if (function.size < 1) sys.error("Error: Undefined function '" + + "' being called at position [" + tree.head.pos.column + "] on line: " + tree.head.pos.line) else { executeFunction(function(0), functionCall.values) currentScope = currentScope.parentScope // assign the return value of the function to the variable currentScope.variables(name) = function(0).returnValue } } else { currentScope.variables(name) = value } walk(tree.tail) } case PrintStatement(value) => { println(calculateExpr(value)) walk(tree.tail) } case LoopStatement(iterations, statements) => { currentScope = new Scope("", currentScope) for (i <- 0 until iterations) walk(statements) currentScope = currentScope.parentScope walk(tree.tail) } case IfStatement(condition, trueBranch, falseBranch) => { currentScope = new Scope("", currentScope) if (isConditionTrue(condition)) walk(trueBranch) else walk(falseBranch) currentScope = currentScope.parentScope walk(tree.tail) } case _ => () } } } }
The last thing we need is a main routine that will read our input script and execute our parser:
package net.travisdazell.parsers.runtime import import net.travisdazell.parsers.SmallLanguageParser object SmallLanguage { def main(args: Array[String]) { val inputFile = Source.fromFile("scripts/program.small") val inputSource = inputFile.mkString val parser = new SmallLanguageParser parser.parseAll(parser.program, inputSource) match { case parser.Success(r, n) => { val interpreter = new Interpreter(r) try { } catch { case e: RuntimeException => println(e.getMessage) } } case parser.Error(msg, n) => println("Error: " + msg) case parser.Failure(msg, n) => println("Error: " + msg) case _ => } } }
The one thing I haven't included is the model classes that represent the AST nodes. However, as always, I've provided the full source code on GitHub: