Friday, September 27, 2013

Scala Parser Combinators - JavaOne 2013 BOF

In this post, I wanted to share my working example that I demonstrated in my JavaOne 2013 BOF session on "Building Small Languages with Scala Parser Combinators". In the interest of a simple demo, I kept the language features to a minimum. For example, the language types are only integer values. In other words, there are no floating point values, booleans, strings, or chars. Also, the language is interpreted, which means that I'm not generating byte codes.

These simplifications aside, there are some cool things that I present in this demonstration, all of which form a good foundation for you to use as a starting point for your own language. For example, there are complex expressions, supporting multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, and modulo. There are also several things you'd expect in a small language, such as if-else statements, loops, variable references, and functions.

Here's an example script that the language can process:

// an example of a function that returns a value
func subtractNumbers( x, y, z )
 return x - y - z

// an example of a function that doesn't return anything
func doSomething()
 println 100

// main program routine
 var a = 10
 var b = 20
 if (a > b) then
  loop 3 times
   var d = subtractNumbers( x = 10, y = 5, z = 3 )
   println d
  if (b > 0) then
   loop 2 times
    println b
 println 4
 println 1
 println 2

The architecture consists of the following components:

  • A parser written with the Scala parsing library
    • The output of the parser is an AST which describes the structure of the input script
  • An interpreter that walks the resulting AST and processes the nodes accordingly
Here's the source code for the parser:

package net.travisdazell.parsers

import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical.StandardTokenParsers
import net.travisdazell.parsers.model._

// small interpreted language with the following features:
//   - variable definitions and references
//  - if-else statements
//  - loops
//  - error handling
//  - scoping
//  - functions with named arguments
class SmallLanguageParser extends StandardTokenParsers {
  lexical.reserved += ("var", "println", "loop", "times", "endloop", "if",
    "then", "else", "endif", "func", "return", "endfunc", "main")
  lexical.delimiters += ("*", "/", "%", "+", "-", "(", ")", "=",
    "<", ">", "==", "!=", "<=", ">=", ",", ":")

  def program: Parser[Program] = (rep(function) <~ ("main" ~ ":")) ~ codeblock ^^ {
    case f ~ c => new Program(f, c)

  def function: Parser[Function] = ("func" ~> ident) ~ ("(" ~> arguments) ~
    (")" ~> codeblock) ~ opt(returnStatement) <~ "endfunc" ^^ {
      case a ~ b ~ c ~ None => new Function(a, b, c, Number(0))
      case a ~ b ~ c ~ d => new Function(a, b, c, d.get)

  def returnStatement: Parser[Expr] = "return" ~> expr ^^ {
    e => e

  def arguments: Parser[Map[String, Int]] = repsep(ident, ",") ^^ {
    argumentList =>
        (for (a <- argumentList) yield (a -> 0)) toMap

  def codeblock: Parser[List[Statement]] = rep(statement) ^^ { a => a }

  def statement: Parser[Statement] = positioned(variableAssignment | outStatement |
    loopStatement | ifStatement | functionCall | outStatement) ^^ { a => a }

  def variableAssignment: Parser[VariableDefinition] = "var" ~> ident ~ "=" ~
    positioned(functionCall | expr) ^^ { case a ~ "=" ~ b => { new VariableDefinition(a, b) } }

  def outStatement: Parser[PrintStatement] = "println" ~> positioned(expr) ^^ {
    case a => new PrintStatement(a)

  def loopStatement: Parser[LoopStatement] = ("loop" ~> iterations <~ "times") ~
    codeblock <~ "endloop" ^^ {
      case i ~ s => {
        new LoopStatement(i, s)

  def ifStatement: Parser[IfStatement] = conditional ~ codeblock ~
    opt("else" ~> codeblock) <~ "endif" ^^ {
      case a ~ b ~ c => {
        c match {
          case None => new IfStatement(a, b, List())
          case _ => new IfStatement(a, b, c.get)

  def conditional: Parser[Condition] = "if" ~ "(" ~> condition <~ ")" ~ "then"

  def condition: Parser[Condition] = positioned(expr) ~
    ("<" | ">" | "==" | "!=" | "<=" | ">=") ~ positioned(expr) ^^ {
      case a ~ b ~ c => {
        new Condition(b, a, c)

  def iterations: Parser[Int] = numericLit ^^ { _ toInt }

  def functionCall: Parser[FunctionCall] = ((ident) <~ "(") ~
    functionCallArguments <~ ")" ^^ {
      case a ~ l => new FunctionCall(a, l)

  def functionCallArguments: Parser[Map[String, Expr]] =
    repsep(functionArgument, ",") ^^ {
      _ toMap

  def functionArgument: Parser[(String, Expr)] = (ident <~ "=") ~ expr ^^ {
    case a ~ b => (a, b)

  def expr: Parser[Expr] = term ~ rep(("+" | "-") ~ term) ^^ {
    case a ~ List() => a
    case a ~ b => {
      def appendExpression(c: Operator, p: Operator): Operator = {
        p.left = c

      var root: Operator = new Operator(b.head._1, a, b.head._2)

      for (f <- b.tail) {
        var parent =
          f._1 match {
            case "+" => new Operator("+", null, f._2)
            case "-" => Operator("-", null, f._2)

        root = appendExpression(root, parent)


  def term: Parser[Expr] = multiplydividemodulo ^^ { l => l } | factor ^^ {
    a => a

  // note that "rep" returns a List
  def multiplydividemodulo: Parser[Expr] = factor ~ rep(("*" | "/" | "%") ~ factor) ^^ {

    case a ~ List() => a
    case a ~ b => {
      def appendExpression(e: Operator, t: Operator): Operator = {
        t.left = e.right
        e.right = t

      var root: Operator = new Operator(b.head._1, a, b.head._2)
      var current = root

      // for each of these, i'm just building up the parse tree
      for (f <- b.tail) {
        var rightOperator =
          f._1 match {
            case "*" => Operator("*", null, f._2)
            case "/" => Operator("/", null, f._2)
            case "%" => Operator("%", null, f._2)

        current = appendExpression(current, rightOperator)


  def factor: Parser[Expr] = numericLit ^^ { a => Number(a.toInt) } |
    "(" ~> expr <~ ")" ^^ { e => e } |
    ident ^^ { new Identifier(_) }

  def parseAll[T](p: Parser[T], in: String): ParseResult[T] = {
    phrase(p)(new lexical.Scanner(in))

Next, let's take a look at the interpreter:

package net.travisdazell.parsers.runtime
import net.travisdazell.parsers.model._

class Interpreter(program: Program) {
  var currentScope = new Scope("global", null)

  def run() {

  private def getVariable(ident: Identifier): Expr = {
    var s: Scope = currentScope

    while ((!"global")) && !s.variables.contains( {
      s = s.parentScope

    if (s.variables.contains( s.variables(
    else {
      sys.error("Error: Undefined variable " + +
        " at position [" +
        ident.pos.column + "] on line: " +

  private def calculateExpr(e: Expr): Int = {
    e match {
      case Number(value) => value
      case Identifier(name) => {
      case Operator(op, left, right) => {
        op match {
          case "*" => calculateExpr(left) * calculateExpr(right)
          case "/" => calculateExpr(left) / calculateExpr(right)
          case "%" => calculateExpr(left) % calculateExpr(right)
          case "+" => calculateExpr(left) + calculateExpr(right)
          case "-" => calculateExpr(left) - calculateExpr(right)

  private def isConditionTrue(condition: Condition): Boolean = {
    val a = calculateExpr(condition.left)
    val b = calculateExpr(condition.right)

    condition.op match {
      case "==" => (a == b)
      case "!=" => (a != b)
      case "<=" => (a <= b)
      case "<" => (a < b)
      case ">=" => (a >= b)
      case ">" => (a > b)

  private def executeFunction(f: Function, arguments: Map[String, Expr]) {
    currentScope = new Scope(, currentScope)

    for (v <- arguments) currentScope.variables(v._1) = v._2


    currentScope = currentScope.parentScope

  private def walk(tree: List[Statement]) {
    if (!tree.isEmpty) {
      tree.head match {
        case FunctionCall(name, values) => {
          val f = program.functions.filter(x => == name)

          if (f.size < 1) sys.error("Error: Undefined function '" +
            name + "' being called at position [" +
            tree.head.pos.column + "] on line: " +
          else {
            executeFunction(f(0), values)

        case VariableDefinition(name, value) => {
          // push this variable into scope
          if (value.isInstanceOf[FunctionCall]) {
            val functionCall = value.asInstanceOf[FunctionCall]
            val function = program.functions.filter(x => ==

            // check if proc is defined and if not throw an error
            if (function.size < 1) sys.error("Error: Undefined function '" +
     + "' being called at position [" +
              tree.head.pos.column + "] on line: " +
            else {
              executeFunction(function(0), functionCall.values)

              currentScope = currentScope.parentScope

              // assign the return value of the function to the variable
              currentScope.variables(name) = function(0).returnValue
          } else {
            currentScope.variables(name) = value

        case PrintStatement(value) => {
        case LoopStatement(iterations, statements) => {
          currentScope = new Scope("", currentScope)

          for (i <- 0 until iterations) walk(statements)

          currentScope = currentScope.parentScope

        case IfStatement(condition, trueBranch, falseBranch) => {
          currentScope = new Scope("", currentScope)

          if (isConditionTrue(condition)) walk(trueBranch) else walk(falseBranch)

          currentScope = currentScope.parentScope

        case _ => ()

The last thing we need is a main routine that will read our input script and execute our parser:

package net.travisdazell.parsers.runtime


import net.travisdazell.parsers.SmallLanguageParser

object SmallLanguage {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val inputFile = Source.fromFile("scripts/program.small")
    val inputSource = inputFile.mkString

    val parser = new SmallLanguageParser
    parser.parseAll(parser.program, inputSource) match {
      case parser.Success(r, n) => {
        val interpreter = new Interpreter(r)

        try {

        } catch {
          case e: RuntimeException => println(e.getMessage)
      case parser.Error(msg, n) => println("Error: " + msg)
      case parser.Failure(msg, n) => println("Error: " + msg)
      case _ =>

The one thing I haven't included is the model classes that represent the AST nodes. However, as always, I've provided the full source code on GitHub: